Want to expand? Home or Abroad?

Our UK contacts include Chambers of Commerce Members; Business Club Members; FSB Members; Association Members and over 10,000 individual businesses, 225 Universities and 51,165 charities.
Worldwide, our database contains details of 8600 Chambers of Commerce and over 8000 Universities plus many government and business associations.
A flexible approach enables you to decide how we can best help, which may include locating distributors for your product or service; market research; introduction to governments; groups who may assist and even providers of finance.
Email campaigns can be undertaken, home or abroad and we can assist with start-ups, providing website design; promotional ideas; digital and social media marketing, lead generation and much more.
The team includes experienced business people based in Sri Lanka and the UK plus contacts in many other parts of the world including India, Pakistan, the Philippines and Germany.
You are able to obtain more information from other pages in our website. We also welcome email enquiries which will be dealt with promptly and efficiently, often followed up by useful telephone conversations or Zoom meetings in order to develop a better understanding of your requirements.
For more information, please insert your brief contact details so that we can elaborate.
Read our privacy policy and Affiliate Disclosure before sending your personal details